Our Vision, Values + How we Work


   Our Vision

We move together. We put people first. Our individualities are connected in practicing freedom; making art a place where the crucial in-between exists beyond walls and shelves. We defend our individual paces, allowing pause for the collective higher.

We envision a community where —

Resources are abundant, artists are respected, and art is honored.We move beyond ownership to shared stewardship of art spaces and art-making.We allow ourselves and each other full humanness, where no one is disregarded.Every person is valued and has all the resources they need to survive and thrive.Our tangible support of each other allows us to disrupt capitalism’s grip on our livelihoods.

Art and culture saves lives. Art is by and for all of us.Art ain’tinnocent. Art is accountable.*

   Our Values On Art

Art is vital and valuable.

Art is a site for, and invitation into, collective imagination and transformation.

All art is political.

Our artistic practice opposes oppressive structures and propels us towards a just, free, and pleasurable existence.

Art by Black and Indigenous People of Color is central, as are their lives and stories. We are committed to repairing the historic, continued pilfering and erasure of their culture and creations.

We counter and envision beyond capitalism while advocating for equitable support of artistic labor.

   How We Work

We value and uphold the integrity of our humanity through rigorous love and active compassion.

“The human in me invites the human in you.”

We need each other. We find strength and power in collaboration. We are committed to creating a community that is for all of us.

How we are in relationship to one another is more important than what we do or accomplish. How we are in relationship with each other reflects how we are in relationship with ourselves.

We move at the speed of trust and need to feel resourced, centered and impactful in how we move together.

We are capable of doing this work, and we are already doing it.

Bridging communities is important. We recognize the relationships between people, communities, and institutions, and work to make them stronger and more symbiotic.

We commit to communicating and growing with one another.

Being in physical space together matters, and we show up at the invitation.


Art And Culture Saves Lives.

Art is by and for all of us.